Ing. Mgr. Tereza Agáta Jičínská

Ing. Mgr. Tereza Agáta Jičínská

Dyrektor operacyjny i marketingowy
+420 607 992 818

I am the daughter of two physicians and medical roots have run through our family in all directions and through the generations. So a career as a doctor seemed very likely when I was growing up. The other half of my heart, however, pulled me towards art. I liked to draw, sing and play the piano.

If I hadn't gotten into science high school then, I probably would have gone to art high school and who knows where fate would have taken me. But this way I started to consider whether to go on to medicine or genetics. I don't sit in one place for very long, so maybe that's why I decided to start studying economics with a focus on marketing management in addition to molecular biology and genetics at the same time. It was marketing and management that finally took me away from science. But working at Repromeda allows me to combine all of these directions and do work that is really meaningful.

I like to spend my free time with my daughters, cooking, baking or taking a yoga class. I can never pass up a good meal or a great cup of coffee.

Schedule a consultation

And take the first step on your baby journey. The doctor will discuss with you everything that concerns you and suggest the next course of action.

If you have a doctor’s note,
the initial consultation is free.

Ing. Mgr. Tereza Agáta Jičínská

Dyrektor operacyjny i marketingowy
+420 607 992 818

I am the daughter of two physicians and medical roots have run through our family in all directions and through the generations. So a career as a doctor seemed very likely when I was growing up. The other half of my heart, however, pulled me towards art. I liked to draw, sing and play the piano.

If I hadn't gotten into science high school then, I probably would have gone to art high school and who knows where fate would have taken me. But this way I started to consider whether to go on to medicine or genetics. I don't sit in one place for very long, so maybe that's why I decided to start studying economics with a focus on marketing management in addition to molecular biology and genetics at the same time. It was marketing and management that finally took me away from science. But working at Repromeda allows me to combine all of these directions and do work that is really meaningful.

I like to spend my free time with my daughters, cooking, baking or taking a yoga class. I can never pass up a good meal or a great cup of coffee.

Brno, Studentská 812/6, Czechy

Na pytania odpowiadamy od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 7-18.

Sytuacje awaryjne +420 602 592 842
Ostrawa, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, Czechy

Na pytania odpowiadamy od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 7-15.

Sytuacje awaryjne +420 606 029 983
Brno, Studentská 812/6, Czechy

Na pytania odpowiadamy od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 7-18.

Sytuacje awaryjne +420 602 592 842

View on map

Ostrawa, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, Czechy

Na pytania odpowiadamy od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 7-15.

Sytuacje awaryjne +420 606 029 983

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